Monday, June 24, 2013

Where to begin...

I've been urged for quite some time now to make a blog and here I am. I find that this is an easier means to answer questions rather than making a youtube video. Anyway, this blog is just for ferrets and everything to do with them. The good and the bad. :) I'd like to share some of my personal views on these delightful creatures and hopefully bring with that some understanding.

So one thing we can all agree on is that ferrets are crazy. They bounce around like they're high on something, making some of the most amusing sounds and walk like they're drunk. I own four ferrets, three males and one female. If you follow this blog you'll be seeing plenty of them. In total I've owned seven ferrets. If a ferret is right for you, you're going to be smitten right away. Don't be surprised if you find yourself buying an absurd amount of ferret toys and hammocks, and are always wondering how to make their cage larger and more entertaining, even though they spend very little time in there. :P If you are a ferret owner then I'm sure you understand this addiction.

I'm going to be tackling many subjects, from the simple question of, 'Do I really want to get a ferret?' to the more pressing like 'My new ferret keeps biting me!' The sad thing is, a lot of ferrets are purchased on impulse. I'll be the first to admit that when I got Kiba (my darling baby boy and very first ferret) I was not prepared for all the insanity, and joy, he would bring into my life. The thing is, I was willing to learn. I spent countless nights researching my new furkid to make sure he would get the best quality of life. I didn't hesitate to buy the best cage for them, no matter the price, and I had the patience to learn with him on what works best when it comes to training. I met with experts, spoke with rescues and did everything I could to educate myself on his needs. If you're not a patient and understanding person then do not get a ferret! I can't stress this enough! I've seen way too many kits get returned because people simply aren't committed.

With that being said, I believe my first subject will be bite training, as I was approached a few days ago about that and find that its a very common issue with new ferret owners. :) I'll try to have that up sometime this week!

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